Many organizations usually tend to ignore the important role of the optimal expense management in the process of streamlining the business environment. The fact is that keeping a record of the timings and official expenses of your employees can help organizations make insightful decisions and also aids in long term savings.
If your company is just a start up, you may prefer maintaining an Excel spreadsheet of employee attendance and the official costs incurred or rather even prefer going the traditional way with handwritten records. But, as your staff and business grows, your teams get larger and better, the time and expense management strategies need to alter as well in order to keep up with the complex and recurring office expenditures. Whether your organization is an accounting firm, IT consulting company, or a bank, as your company expands, you may reach a point wherein it will become necessary to take optimal advantage of your resources and track your revenue and costs and try and save as much as possible for the future. Multinational companies even need to anticipate upcoming expenditures and plan accordingly well in advance.
Expense management software is a robust solution that helps seamlessly tracking the costs that your organization incurs from time to time. It usually has an intuitive user interface that allows employees to easily record and claim expenses through the web portal. The implementation process is also fairly simple and less time consuming. This software also assures a quick approval process and thus guarantees faster reimbursements. If your organization is working multiple projects simultaneously, the software also aids in keeping a clean project based cost accounting system; thus helps in billing clients accurately.
Another advantage of this software is that it helps you cut down on paper trails and unnecessary expenditures. It also ensures that no money wastage is done as all the expenditure made is tracked and steadily you get to know about which are the necessary expenses that you cannot avoid and the ones that you can cut down. It can also be tailored as per your business requirements and the expense claims process can be made a lot easier, faster and flexible.
Sunday, December 29, 2013
Tuesday, December 10, 2013
Travel Light Travel with your Expense Software
Every one of us when we are on the budget terms every cent into us has always on the count and most of the time the last drop of the cents that we have. In the most businesses reporting is one of the most important thing that they have and looking up to especially for the expenses of the company. In the any kind of business always money is one the run as the blood of the company which is says that money in the certain business is very important but on the other hand without the proper usage of the companies money will lead your business in the trouble. One of the expenses that commonly in the business today is the business travel meeting up with the clients attending functions and other business related event. For some of the companies that are really aware of the expense that they have in the entire month every employee that goes in the business travel must need to comply for the expense reports about the travel that they have including all the necessary things like the receipts during the trip that he/she have.
When you are on the trip I’m sure you have a lot of things that can be seen around you and sometimes you are tempted to expense but you must stick to the budget that you have. While you are on the go for the thing that you must need to do is planning your trip like you must need to have the list where you must need to stay, to eat and the way of communication that you will used in the time that you are in that place a bus, taxi or a train all of these must be in your list.
While you are in your business travel on thing that you must need to remember that the receipts are must need to be keep because it is important an d you can used it in the your expense reports but somehow due to the busy day that we have in the trip sometimes we didn't mean to lose it or misplace it and you are in the trouble now.
Today losing your receipts in the trip is not a big problem anymore did you hear about the travel and expense management software? I’m sure you did and if you don’t know about it here are the quick review about it. It is one of the most popular software among the business especially if your company is having the problem in managing the business reports, handling your expenses and receipts and most of all easy to use. So if you are having the hard time in your business may this is the time that you must need to open your eyes browse for the internet and find more convenient for your company to have an easy and faster reporting and have a best place to keep your receipts online.
Monday, September 23, 2013
The effect of Wrong Expense Reporting
Throughout in the entire business a lot of things are need to handle and one of this are the reports that are need to finished in the right time but since today we are leaving in the modern world a lot of things have change in our environment especially the presence of different software applications in any kind of business. Expense reporting software is an integral application for businesses anywhere - whether they're logging local expenditures, travel costs, or otherwise. It's extremely important for any company to keep a close eye on all their costs, so they can make the most out of their budget and ensure that no costly mistakes are made by employees. However, there's another downside to incorrect expenditure reports that goes, one that occurs externally instead of internally: it's damaging to public perception.
North Carolina taxpayers are paying the bills for the travel expenses of state employees, according to reports released by the State Auditor and cited by the WNCN news outlet. The state found that a Department of Public Instruction analyst knowingly submitted false travel reimbursement requests. The improper expenditures, which were logged over the course of nine months, ended up amounting to well over $3,000.
"Many times we will concentrate on the person who did the wrong deed or didn't do what they were supposed to, when in reality we should be looking more to management," Beth Wood, the state auditor, told the news source. "It is their responsibility to make sure these kinds of things are not going on."
Wood told the news source that the Department of Public Construction had admitted that no one was reviewing reimbursement requests from state employees before the costs were paid back.
Avoid public criticism with top-level expense reporting software Building a feeling of goodwill between your business and your customers is an important priority for managers everywhere. Nothing will shake public confidence in your firm the way that reporting improper travel and expense statistics will. Luckily, with Certify's software, managers can keep a close eye on each specific cost - and ensure they never have to defend their expenditure policies to the press or to the public.
With Certify's expense reporting software, employees can upload a picture of their receipts and expenses using their smartphone, and the application will automate the logging and reporting by itself. Best of all, managers can look at, analyze, and verify the costs as soon as their loaded into the cloud-based data system, allowing them to make sure that any improper expenditures or illegitimate costs are noticed and fixed as soon as humanely possible.
Monday, September 9, 2013
Expenses Application that you must have
An expense report program typically is the software application that manages all of the expenses incurred by work travel of a employee, who will ultimately submit this report to his employer for reimbursement. These expenses include rides, motel costs, food, and possibly entertaining clients. Most of the time, the accounting staff in addition to the professional in question take tons of time in the submission of an expense report, as there are many details to be considered. These specific things have to be precise, too, for tax purposes. Nonetheless, to be as efficient as possible, the process ideally will move quickly.
With these expense report applications, the employee submits the completed report, along with photos of the receipts - some apps have receipt readers built in, so that the employee does not even have to enter in the information on his own - by way of his smart phone to the company. The prompt submission of the expense report leads to prompt reimbursement, that later presents transparency and control for the compliance requirements of audit and accounting. And, of course, a pleased employee. Almost all businesses are adopting some kind of computerization. Another good thing is that employees can effortlessly avoid the errors involved in manual record and submission of reports. Why settle for just computerization, though, when expense reports can be even less of a pain?
After submitting the report, the employee has to attain approval from the manager. Then the finance department allows a check for reimbursement. Plus, the ethical responsibility of the employee is a consideration; he must be reliable. Companies ought to insist on timely, correct and truthful expense reports. Employees should be aware of all the rules and regulations of the expense reimbursement rules of the company, and they need to show all the details of his spending along with receipts.
Thursday, August 29, 2013
Get an Organize Receipts with Certify Mobile
In most of the business firm all over the country there is always the time that the company will sent an employee for business travel or even the manager itself will go on for different travels. While you are traveling in is so clearly that the company is responsible for the expenses that you have as a part of the company always there is a role for everything in the company especially when it comes to the involvement of company’s money. Before the company takes all the expenses that you have there is process that you must need to follow so that the company will owe the expenses that you have breakdown of your expense is a must that can be seen in your expense reports after the trip together with your receipts so that your company can approve the expenses that you have and for reimbursement process.
In the other hand the receipts place an important role in every expense reports that we have that is why we must need to take care it all the time. Probably it is one of the most things to happen while you are on the trip sometimes you just messing out where are you receipts are being placed and sometimes you are in the disaster in losing it. Such a stressful thing that you lose you receipts and making a mess with your expense reports but not now after all the new days has come with the use of different software for our business and even for the travel. Since the technology have emerge in our life in this modern world and almost everyone are just aware with it today making your work in the light way certify mobile on the go is to the rescue in managing your receipts while you are on the go.
Watch the video below for more information about Certify Mobile.
Wednesday, August 28, 2013
How Certify Automating the Workflows
In every kind of business there is always a different thing that needs to be done in how they are processing all the things inside their business. If you are handling with the big company in the market there are a lot responsibility to be taken off. One of the department of the company that always have the hard all the time in safe keeping the company’s financial state the account department but in today’s businesses they are just aware to use different kinds of software as the aid in the company. Imagine all the work loads that the accountants have in their time table all the time updating all the necessary reports including the money of the company and they must be careful with it all the time. With all the different things that the personnel do in the company does they do the right thing when it comes to updating the system and performing it in the right way? That is why most of the businesses today when it comes to their accounting they are meticulous to do it in the manual way but rather do it in the simple, easy and accurate way the travel and expense systems for the every business company that they have.
Trusting a software company is not just easy seems there are a lot of software company in the market today but knowing a certain company that have the great motivation and have a strong hold in the market even just they are new in the market is big factor to the every client that they have. One of the recognize company that giving all the best that they can in managing the expenses that you have in your company is Certify. In using the Certify you will truly know the big difference in your company updating the workflow including the HR, ERP, and other financial aspects of the company using the core enterprise system. Client billings and account management: In many service businesses, it is necessary to apply expenses to a particular client or project. The client may ask for that data at some point and you will need it for auditing, regardless. The ability to have Certify update your GL or CRM system with expense data means you can easily track expenses in ways that make sense for your business and allow you to be compliant.
HR updates: The HR system needs to let Certify know when an employee has transferred to a different division, or a new manager gets promoted or leaves the company. Those changes affect codes used in expense reporting and also departmental or role-specific policies. Once the change is made in HR, Certify automatically updates its data as well so that reporting, routing and approvals remain accurate.
Reimbursement updates: Beyond updating the GL with expense data that is critical for tracking payables across the business, Certify helps automate your reimbursement process. Our system can integrate with your payroll provider or your bank’s ACH system, so that employees get paid quickly and accurately. No more data entry for the accounting team -- just upload a simple data feed and your work is done, or has this fully automated. It’s your choice.
Thursday, May 30, 2013
Manual Expense Reporting leads your Company to be Costly
Expense reports one of the crucial things in the business but there are also ways in making your expenses reports just like making it in the manual way. Making your expense reports in the manual way is more really different form the automated ones it is because they includes the important details.
For example, employees may complete expense reports to ensure that they are reimbursed for purchases they make on the go. However, workers who lack receipts to verify specific purchases could struggle, and they may need to invest significant amounts of time to find the necessary paperwork to complete expenses reports.
Company officials could also encounter problems due to manual reports, as these administrators may need to confront workers who submit inaccurate materials. However, quality expense management solutions like Certify deliver myriad benefits and can help companies of all sizes for years.
Certify is a dependable choice for a business American Public Media contributor Kai Ryssdal points out that a recent Certify travel spending survey showed that Starbucks is currently the overall most expensed restaurant by workers. Meanwhile, data also revealed that Marriott was the most expensed hotel by staff members, while Delta was the most expensed airline.
For example, employees may complete expense reports to ensure that they are reimbursed for purchases they make on the go. However, workers who lack receipts to verify specific purchases could struggle, and they may need to invest significant amounts of time to find the necessary paperwork to complete expenses reports.
Company officials could also encounter problems due to manual reports, as these administrators may need to confront workers who submit inaccurate materials. However, quality expense management solutions like Certify deliver myriad benefits and can help companies of all sizes for years.
Certify is a dependable choice for a business American Public Media contributor Kai Ryssdal points out that a recent Certify travel spending survey showed that Starbucks is currently the overall most expensed restaurant by workers. Meanwhile, data also revealed that Marriott was the most expensed hotel by staff members, while Delta was the most expensed airline.
Wednesday, May 29, 2013
The Value of Expense Reporting Software in Small and Big Companies
Today with the use of different kinds of technology for the business it is no doubt that it changes the way on how the businesses will works. One of the great examples is the way of reporting that a certain company has. In the years past most of the company are using manual way of reporting and when the different software that comes out in the market it suddenly changes the routine of expense reporting of the business.
One of the company that dominates in the market when it comes to expense reporting is the certify. The brought a new world in the different kinds of business in the for the small and big companies that they have.
Account managers can enforce company policies with Certify For example, Certify is great for account managers because it enables them to reconcile expenses without delay. In just a few minutes, these business professionals can process accurate expense reports on time.
By using Certify, account supervisors can avoid the stress of having to chase down employees in order to finish expense reports. Instead, the solution instantly notifies both an employee and his or her manager when a policy violation occurs, making it easier for a supervisor to review this issue.
In the past, it might have been difficult for many account managers to confront workers about expense report concerns or questions. Thankfully, Certify is a reliable expense reporting platform that can help account supervisors enforce company policies. Because the solution immediately identifies policy violations, these business professionals can help their companies avoid costly errors and ensure that a consistent expense reporting process is followed by all workers.
One of the company that dominates in the market when it comes to expense reporting is the certify. The brought a new world in the different kinds of business in the for the small and big companies that they have.
Account managers can enforce company policies with Certify For example, Certify is great for account managers because it enables them to reconcile expenses without delay. In just a few minutes, these business professionals can process accurate expense reports on time.
By using Certify, account supervisors can avoid the stress of having to chase down employees in order to finish expense reports. Instead, the solution instantly notifies both an employee and his or her manager when a policy violation occurs, making it easier for a supervisor to review this issue.
In the past, it might have been difficult for many account managers to confront workers about expense report concerns or questions. Thankfully, Certify is a reliable expense reporting platform that can help account supervisors enforce company policies. Because the solution immediately identifies policy violations, these business professionals can help their companies avoid costly errors and ensure that a consistent expense reporting process is followed by all workers.
Friday, May 24, 2013
Medical Professionals in Learning Sunshine Act

This is new law that imposing in our society is the sunshine act law which is making a big role in our medical society. The Physician Payments Sunshine Act is affecting medical device and drug manufacturers nationwide. However, the regulation is impacting some of these firms more than others.
In fact, quality Sunshine Act reporting software is helping many medical device and drug providers quickly learn how to avoid federal penalties.
"The software will help and enhance patient care. It has to because it is shining such a big spotlight on [Sunshine Act regulations]," Sunshine Act expert Michaeline Daboul told the news source.
Companies that ignore Sunshine Act regulations will receive significant fines. The act requires medical device and drug manufacturers to report any gifts and payments made to physicians and teaching hospitals with a value totaling $100 annually or more. If they do not, these companies could be penalized up to $1 million annually.
Daboul said that many of these businesses are working diligently to comply with Sunshine Act provisions without delay. By using expense management software, big and small firms could significantly improve their efficiency and develop accurate, timely reports.
First-rate Sunshine Act reporting tools enable medical device and drug providers to enjoy on-the-go functionality. The solutions allow users to create top-notch reports quickly and efficiently, which delivers myriad benefits in short periods of time.
With Sunshine Act reporting software, users can link multiple physicians to a single expense, track physician spending from multiple destinations and much more. Additionally, the platform generates federally required reports immediately to help firms reduce their operating costs.
Companies will enjoy the comprehensive assistance offered by Sunshine Act reporting software. Business professionals can report all physician spending by employee, data, expense total and other criteria. The solution also provides up-to-the-minute reporting on physician payments, further enhancing its value to medical device and drug providers around the country.
Tuesday, May 21, 2013
The Benefits of Personal Expense Report
The purchase of a personal expense report will help us in making sure that our funds are saved from getting depleted by people working in the company. Sometimes internal causes for depletion in the funds are greater than external factors. The reason behind this will be the incapability of the employees in choosing the best possible ways of reducing the expenses meant for their work every day. Mostly, they do not consider the funds possessed by the firm or the organization as their own and therefore, they do not care about spending more than what is actually necessary for either getting the necessary materials or for getting something done for the company. This attitude can be monitored by using these personal expense reports.
Individual statements about their own expenses will serve in two different ways. The first one will be to isolate the true nature of the requisition for funds and the second one will be to find out why there is a vast difference between the actual quotation at the initial stages of the projects and the present requisition for funds from the personnel involved in the concerned task.
Individual statements about their own expenses will serve in two different ways. The first one will be to isolate the true nature of the requisition for funds and the second one will be to find out why there is a vast difference between the actual quotation at the initial stages of the projects and the present requisition for funds from the personnel involved in the concerned task.
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